完璧なココナッツとアーモンドクッキーのレシピ。サクサク、モチモチ、甘じょっぱくてバター味がジュワーと広がる! (Coconut and almond cookies)

ココナッツとアーモンドクッキー (8枚)

– ココナッツ フレーク    150g
– アーモンド         70g
– 薄力小麦粉         130g
– ブラウン シュガー      95g
– グラニュー糖        75g
– 無塩バター         50g
– 卵            1個
– バニラビーンズエッサンス 小さじ1
– 重曹           小さじ半分
– 塩            小さじ1

Coconut and almond cookies
Ingredients  (8 Cookies)
– Coconut flakes       150g
– Almonds          70g
– Cake flour          130g
– Brown sugar         95g
– White sugar         75g
– Unsalted butter       150g
– Egg            1
– Vanilla extract        1 tsp
– Baking soda        1/2 tsp
– Salt            12 tsp


ぜひ試してみてくださいね。: )

Wellcome to Hungry husky home cooking! Today i’m making Coconut and Almond Cookies using ingredients you can find at the local supermarket in Japan.

I spent a weeks testing and developing these cookies, using different measurements and baking times, and I think I have finally found the perfect recipe!
The sweetness taste of coconut, crunchiness of almonds, and buttery goodness is all packed into each and every cookie. This might be my favourite recipe so far, and it’s only the second month of the year!

Are these the best homemade cookies you have ever had? Let me know in the comments!

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Background Music
Na Na Na / Ballpoint / courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com
Duck in a Box / Jobii/ courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com




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