Custard Filled Fluffy Chiffon Cake | Emojoie ASMR cooking

Hello everyone, this is Emojoie.
I made a fluffy chiffon cake filled with plenty of custard cream.
This is a recipe for making chiffon cake in a pound cake mold.
You can make custard cream with the microwave.
You might burn it if you make with a pot but easy to make even for beginners with a microwave.

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■Chiffon cake 18cm x 8cm x 8cm
3 egg yolks M
30g vegetable oil
35g milk
60g flour
3 egg whites M
50g sugar
1 tablespoon (10g) cornstarch
130℃ for 50 minutes 170℃ for 10 minutes

■ Custard cream
3 egg yolks
35g sugar
20g flour
130g milk
70g cream (or milk)
15g unsalted butter

➢Chiffon cake 00:14
Add flour after mixing egg yolks, vegetable oil and milk.
Add cornstarch after making meringue with egg whites and sugar.
Combine them together. Mix the dough well until soft.
Line the bottom of the mold with baking paper and put the dough.
Bake in a preheated oven at 130°C for 50 minutes and 170°C for 10 minutes.
Lay the mold on its side to cool.

➢ Custard cream 4:08
Mix egg yolks, sugar and flour.
Microwave for 1 minute after adding milk and cream.
Repeat heating for 30 sedonds and mixing.
Even if the cream hardens, repeat heating for another 30 seconds twice.
When you heat it well and the temperature of the cream rises, the flour will be cooked well.
Wrap it to keep from drying out and chill in the refrigerator or freezer after adding butter and vanilla.

Remove the chiffon cake from the mold.
When the custard cream has cooled to below 5°C, put it in a bowl and whip it.
Put the cream in a piping bag and pour it into the cake.
If you only have a regular nozzle, cut the cake with a knife and then add the cream.
If you add too much cream, causing it to crack so please be careful.

20 thoughts on “Custard Filled Fluffy Chiffon Cake | Emojoie ASMR cooking

  1. 흥국사에서 만난 도토리곽 유튜브입니다
    맛난요리 와 게이크 잘 보았읍니다

  2. Me encanta !! todo lo que hace tiene que estar delicioso,aparte apenas ensucia nada y todo muy limpio. 🙏

  3. 毎回動画を見てカスタードクリームを作っているのですが、冷やす前も後もあんなに固い感じにならず冷やしてもミキサーで混ぜるほどもなく柔らかいです

  4. We always have fun look.
    The quality and sound of the video are good, but I would appreciate it if you could tell me what kind of equipment (camera, lens, microphone) you use!💕

  5. 冷やしたカスタードをホイッパーで混ぜる時の、

  6. 雲みたいにフワッフワッ〜と流れていきそうなくらいやわらかそうでとてもいい動画でした。


  7. スイートポテトのタルトとかケーキ作ってほしいです💕

  8. I misread the title as chicken cake at first and thought wait a minute, that’s more of a meat loaf.

  9. Is it possible to get a link as to where I can purchase the mold? Thanks 🙂

  10. My goodness! My husband and I are watchingthis and he grabs a napkin and wipes my drool off my face. This looks incredibly delicious, and I will be trying this. Delish!

  11. 美味しく食べました。シフォンケーキ焼くの3回目で初めて膨らみました!ありがとうございます。

  12. Harika görünüyor, elinize emeğinize sağlık 🌹🌹🌹Çok güzel bir tarif. Paylaştığınız için teşekkürler. Yiyenlere afiyet olsun 😋😋😋😋 Tekrar görüşmek dileğiyle…


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